Our Product

ZergNet is the leading editorial recommendations platform on the Internet. We're committed to protecting the integrity of the publishing ecosystem by delivering only the highest quality content recommendations and providing 100% pure editorial content. Founded in 2012, ZergNet currently recommends over one billion articles every day, resulting in over 3 million daily visitors to premier content sites including AOL, Time Inc, CBS, IAC, NBC, Viacom, News Corp, Wenner, Warner Bros and many others.

Our Team

How two gamers built a secret weapon to get huge web traffic TNW | Jun. 24, 2015
Content aggregator attracts $3.2 million in funding Indiana Business Journal | Nov. 15, 2014
ZergNet gets publishing world's attention for its ad-free approach to ... New York Business Journal | Nov. 6, 2014
Zergnet Scores $3.2 Million to Build 'Pinterest for Content' Wall Street Journal | Nov. 5, 2014