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Dogs Stand Guard
For Hours to
Protect a Fallen
To some, kindness is a virtue. For others, like our ever-loyal canine companions, it may be pure instinct.
This Incredible Extinct Animal Could Soon Walk Among Us Again
When it comes to the Tasmanian tiger, human influence can be blamed for its extinction. But science might have a way to someday reverse that fate.
The Dark, Disturbing Truth About Labradoodles
With its cutesy curls and plaintive eyes, it’s no wonder the labradoodle became America’s second-favorite dog in 2010. But the man who first invented the breed by crossing a Labrador with a poodle...
Hummingbirds Are Guaranteed To Visit Your Yard With These Plants
Trying to draw in hummingbirds? You're going to need nesting materials for them to use, and these plants are the perfect ones to start growing.
The Most Indestructible Organism That Has Defied Time & Survival
While there are some animals known for being especially hardy, they all have their limits. But this creature's limits have rendered it nearly indestructible.
The Huge Mistake That's Making Your Coyote Problem Even Worse
If you want to keep coyotes from returning to your yard or deter them from visiting in the first place, we've got some techniques for you to implement.
Forget Tortoises, These Creatures Live Even Longer
Humans live long lives for land mammals, but tortoises can outdo us by decades. Yet some other animals, such as sponges and jellyfish, can live far, far longer.
This Surprising Invasive Species Is Wreaking Havoc Across Texas
When it comes to invasive species, you'd likely picture malevolent bugs or plants. But this invasive species that's been terrorizing Texas might be a surprise.
These Popular Lakes Are Hiding A Horrifying Secret
What dangers lurk beneath these placid lakes? Some you might know, but others? You might not even be able to guess. Read this fascinating round-up!
14 Signs Your Dog Loves You
Colorful Dog Names You've Never Thought Up
Choosing dog names inspired by color is a fun way to give your dog a playful name. From vibrant fashion trends to hairstyles in all shades of the rainbow, there are infinite ways to show off the unico
Things You Do That Are Actually Irritating Your Dog
Dogs can't easily express themselves to humans, and many hide their discomfort. These seemingly innocent actions may actually cause your pup stress.
These Dog Breeds Simply Don't Exist Anymore & We Know Why
There are seemingly countless dog breeds, but did you know some have been extinct for a long time? Here are 14 fascinating examples from across the world.
11 Things You Do That Break Your Dog's Heart
Like humans, dogs experience sadness, loneliness, and heartbreak. By avoiding certain actions, you can help foster your pup's emotional well-being.
We Can't Ignore The Cutest Pet Friendships Of All Time
Friendships between animals can take a number of forms, even extending across species to create unlikely but oh-so-adorable duos and trios of pets.
The One Step You Cannot Skip When Bringing A New Dog Home
Few things are as exciting as bringing a new dog into your house. However, there are some key steps to take to make the space comfortable and safe for them.
The Perfect Dog Breed Based On Your Zodiac Sign
With hundreds of dog breeds in the world, how can you choose your ideal companion? Try matching your next pup to the common traits of your zodiac sign.
Funniest Things That Cats Do & The Meaning Behind It
When you're a cat parent, there's never a dull moment. From chirping and staring to late-night zoomies, here are some feline behaviors that crack us up.
The Funniest Live TV Interruptions Caused By Pets
An increasing number of pets have made surprise appearances on live TV across industries. It's hard not to chuckle at these endearing broadcast crashers.
There's A Major Downside You Never Learned To Using Puppy Pads
Although puppy pads are incredibly convenient, they're not exactly the most effective or environmentally-friendly potty training tool.
What Cesar Millan Gets Wrong About Dog Training
Cesar Millan has amassed a worldwide following through the "Dog Whisperer." However, many trainers and veterinarians take issue with his methods.
This Hack Keeps Your Cat's Smelly Litter Box Under Control
Litter boxes are an unavoidable aspect of cat ownership. However, by following these best practices, you can drastically reduce the resulting odors.
Rare Dog Breeds You Probably Never Even Heard Of
Certain types of dogs have a tendency to steal the spotlight. However, it's time for these lesser-known breeds to trot out of the shadows and take center stage.
These Pets Are Absolutely Adorable But Don't Come Cheap
Sure, adopting a pet isn't ever cheap, but these ones take the cake for luxury pricing. From exotic cats to giant pythons, these animals require a high premium.
Unlocking The Mystery Of Why Dogs Act The Way They Do
Dogs are lovable but weird. From potty behaviors to odd rituals, here are the real explanations for some of your dogs most baffling and bizarre behaviors.
These Unexpected Dog Breeds Are The Most Expensive
Becoming a dog parent isn't ever a cheap process, but if you're looking to adopt one of these breeds, expect to pay premium prices.
Now We Understand Why Dogs Love Eating Grass
Many pet parents have witnessed their canine companion eating grass, but why do they dog that?
The Most Obedient Dog Breeds Ever
No Person Can Survive A Bite From The World's Deadliest Snake
With thousands of snake species on the planet, it's important to remember that not all are venomous. Here are 20 of the most dangerous serpents in the world.
Your Dog Isn't Considered Old Until They Hit This Milestone
A 2024 study of medical records looked at what age vets consider dogs to be seniors. And it turns out it may be younger than you think.
Whatever Happened To Joe Biden's Dog, Major?
German Shepherd Major made plenty of headlines during the early days of the Biden presidency. Here's where the dog is now.
Why Your Dog Just Stops Caring About Their Toys
Why do dogs seem to lose interest in their toys so quickly? It's a matter of science: Dogs are hardwired to prefer new things. Here are some tips for making your dog play with toys longer.
Want To Connect With Your Cat? It's Simpler Than You Think
Build trust with your kitty by mirroring one simple behavior.
Why Your Cat Can't Resist Pawing Under The Bathroom Door
If you share your home with a cat, you've probably witnessed this comming sight: a furry paw reaching beneath a closed door. Cats commonly extend their legs under bathroom doors while we're in there,
What's On A Dog's Mind?
If you ever wonder what your dog is thinking, then you need to read our breakdown of what's happening in your dog's mind.
The Secret Adventures Of Pets Home Alone
From anxiously awaiting your return to pulling off complex food-motivated heists, cats and dogs engage in a variety of behaviors while you're away.
Fetch Isn't Always Fun For Dogs
Is your dog ball-obsessed? Fetch might seem like the perfect game, but it isn’t without risks. Many dogs seem born to know how to play fetch, it’s a game that can lead to serious injuries.
Do Cats Get Time Or Are They Just Vibing?
If you've ever left your cat alone for any period of time, you've probably wondered if he knows how long you've been done, or worse — if he knows you'll ever come back.
What It Means When Your Dog Gets The Hiccups
Dogs can get the hiccups, much like humans. While the exact reasons are unknown, you can take steps to reduce their frequency and comfort your canine.
Are Presidential Pets Living The Dream?
Velcro Dogs Bring All The Love, All The Time
Dogs of this breed often form strong bonds with their owners. However, their dedication can veer into clinginess without a proper channel for their energy.
Cat Breeds That Live Forever (Okay, Almost)
On average, most cats live to be 13. However, certain breeds like the Burmese and American shorthair, may be around as long as 20 years. Here's what to know.