Conventional wisdom says that your muscles cramp because you don’t drink enough water and electrolytes before your run or ride. That’s why most cardio junkies chug mineral-spiked H2O like frat boys quaff discount lager. 

But a new article in the Strength and Conditioning Journal explains that the cause of cramps is much more complex. “The idea that dehydration causes your muscles to seize up started about 100 years ago, when scientists noticed that miners would often cramp while sweating heavily underground,” says author Andrew Buskard, C.S.C.S. “But research has never backed that idea up.” In fact, a study in the Journal of Sports Science found no difference in electrolyte or hydration levels between marathoners who cramped or didn’t cramp during a race.

“We now think cramps occur when the Golgi tendon—a part of your muscle that reduces muscular tension—stops functioning mid-exercise, which causes surrounding muscles to over fire and then seize up.” 

The reason your tension-governing Golgi tendon shuts down? Because you overworked it, usually by running or riding significantly harder than your body is used to. So to avoid cramps when it counts, don’t run a race at a pace significantly faster than the top speed you trained at. “You often have to figure out your finishing time goal, then determine how fast you should run or ride in your race training plan,” says Buskard. (Crush your next competition with The Weekend Warrior’s 5K Training Plan.) 

And if your muscles spasm mid-ride or run, hit the afflicted area with one of The Best Stretches for Every Body Part. “But instead of holding the stretch for time, think about holding it for breaths,” says Buskard. “Gently oscillate between pushing into the stretch for 3 to 5 seconds as you fully exhale, then lightly ease off during the inhale. That increases the range of motion of the stretch, and essentially ‘resets’ the Golgi tendon, restarting it so your other muscles don’t over fire,” says Buskard. 

Your calves and hamstrings are most susceptible to cramps, so keep the following two stretches in your arsenal.

Wall Calf Stretch

Stand facing a wall. Place your toes up into the wall as high as you can, your heel on the floor. Now lean into the wall, feeling the stretch in your calf. Breathe out, leaning into the stretch. No wall? Perform this stretch with your toes on a curb.

preview for Standing Calf Stretch

Standing Hamstring Stretch 

Stand with your feet hip width, a slight bend in your knees. Push your hips back and keep your back straight as you bend over and try to touch your toes. You should feel the stretch in your hamstrings—breathe out leaning into it.  

preview for Standing Hamstring Stretch
Headshot of Michael Easter

Michael Easter is a health and fitness writer, a visiting lecturer at UNLV, and the author of The Comfort Crisis.